We offer a flexible schedule for youth and adult programs and retreats. These programs are tailored to meet the needs of people with differing interests, goals, and time commitments. The museum itself provides a wealth of information about the Catholic Faith through a detailed historical encounter of the Church.
To see the entire museum, please plan for at least a one hour visit. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.
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Join Tony Stout, a lay catechist, on Thursday, March 27th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Cathedral for a presentation about the pathological analysis of the physical aspects of Jesus’ crucifixion. Not for the faint of heart, this provides an in-depth look at the profound sacrifice He made for us. A free-will offering will be collected. For more information, email info@catholicmuseum.org or call 614.618.4030.
This presentation is not recommended for children under 12.